From top left corner of detector:
View P-V2-D296UL-EFL120 d=296.29 , 0.01 mm in front of detector surface. 4:1 tracing. Target at 145 mm. Focal plane is nominally 186 mm in front of lens. No image recorded. The line of sight along the optical axis of the lens missed most of the Stop at 120mm efl.
Reset DVIEW from Detector corner to center of CH3 Stop. Moved Target to 186 = SIRTF focal plane. In orthographic view, target is about 10 diameters of stop to left and 5 above centerline of stop.
View P-V2-D28UL-EFL120 Viewpoint is at D=28.47, 0.01 mm in front of detector.
P120FB05: Perspective view with lenses, filter, & beamsplitter off. All other hardware is on. Note the direct path from the flip mirror to the detector viewpoint. This path will be the chief scatter path for imperfections or dust on the lenses. Housing changed from dark green (94) to pink (241) so it wouldn't be confused with green of target. The yellow in the upper left is the Optics Housing. The dark green is the Stop. The cyan is the Shutter in the open position. The pink is the main Housing. The white is the inner edge of the entrance to the Housing.