652 wide x 456 high (pixel) Shaded Perspective Image (.DXF
P120mm effective focal length: from center of detector
- Central hole contains
- Stop (dark cyan)
- Filter CH3 housing at top of image (orange)
(filter = frozen)
- (not seen) Beam Splitter holder (beam splitter =
- (not seen) Lens housing (lens= frozen)
- Flip mirror (cyan) at bottom of view
- Front of Housing (green)
- Shape is not square with rounded corners?
- Flat surface potential reflection path!
- Housing apertures/openings should have
vane edges rather than flat edges.
- Pickoff Mirror (dark cyan) (note separation notch
and lower mirror surface)
- Camera and Target lines (blue, white)
- (misalignment probably absence of filter &
- Edge of base of Pick-off Support seen at opening
in Housing (bottom of opening)
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